Cooling Cilantro Chutney


When summer hits you, you need cooling foods, and cilantro is one of the best!

Isn’t it wonderful that in Southern and warmer countries cilantro, also known as coriander, is used in traditional dishes and eaten almost daily?

Cilantro can be used for rashes, allergies, hives, or sunburn. It naturally contains an anti-histamine and calms the immune system. You can blend cilantro put the pulp onto your skin and simply drink the rest of its juice.

Commonly, cilantro is combined in spicy dishes, as it has a cooling effect and balances the heat.

Because it calms the liver and improves eyesight (both governed by Pitta), it is the best choice when Pitta is out of balance (meaning aggravated).

As a carminative, it also prevents gas, burns ama (toxins), and removes heavy metals from the bloodstream.

Because it is a diuretic, it aids in cleansing inflammation from the urinary tract.

Cilantro is a great detoxifier, often used in cleanses, an ingredient you should not miss in your diet!


I used to absolutely hate cilantro and be allergic to it and remember when my great-grandma in Mexico put cilantro (which was in every single dish) out of everything I ate, yet I could still taste it…

Over time, my body changed, and even started to enjoy it!

If you do not like the taste or find it soapy, try blending it into a dip or pesto.

Because when you crush the leaves, enzymes are released in the leaves that hinder its “soapy” or “buggy” taste, it’s well worth a try.


Here is the list of ingredients, it literally takes 2 minutes to make this chutney or dip, and it creates about 4 servings.



-       1 bunch cilantro (coriander)

-       3 tbsp shredded coconut

-       3 tbsp lime juice (not lemons for they are heating)

-       1/2-inch piece of ginger

-       1/2 tsp salt

-       1/3 cup water



Wash the cilantro and blend everything until smooth.

If you are feeling overheated, you can use less ginger or skip it altogether. This is especially helpful for hard-working people with a lot of Pitta dosha.


Enjoy with roasted veggies, on kitchari, in wraps, or as a simple dip for any dish.


With Love,
