How to Make Sacred Rose Water


Roses are magical, considered holy and contain the highest frequency of all flowers (320 MHz), hence they are “sacred”. Roses are nerve-calming, heart-opening and mood-lifting.

Find out more about their magical properties here.

Some of you have asked me how to make rose water for culinary use.

The taste of it is astringent and sweet – harmonizing all three doshas equally.

There are several ways on how to make your own rose water. It is a beautiful practice to connect more with the plant spirit and the magic of the process.

Rose Water from Above II

Find below the ingredients and instructions for all methods.


With Essential Oil

You can use real rose essential oil drops to create your rose water, but be sure you have a high-quality oil that you can consume orally as well (if you want to use it in your kitchen).


-       10 drops of real rose essential oil (not a fragrance oil!)

-       1 cup of distilled water

-       1 glass jar

-       3 tsp of vodka (optional)


To make distilled water, you can boil filtered water and let it cool down to room temperature.

If you want the oil not swimming on top of the water, then you can dilute the oil in a few teaspoons of vodka beforehand.

Add the water and the oil into a jar and shake it.


With Dried Petals

When you use petals, make sure they are organic. We really don’t want any chemicals on our skin or inside our body.


-       1/4 cup of dried rose petals from edible roses (rosa damascena, rosa centifolia and rosa gallica)

-       1 1/4 cup of warm distilled water

-       2 glass jars

-       1 strainer


Add the rose petals into the jar, pour not too hot distilled water over the petals (it it is too hot, it will diminish the properties of the rose).

Cover the jar and let it cool down to room temperature.

Then put a strainer over the second empty jar and transfer your mixture into it. You can now discard the roses or use it in porridge or a compote.

This rose water should be stored in the fridge and be used within one week.


With Fresh Petals


-       1 cup organic rose petals (see above which roses are best; 1 cup from more or less 2 roses)

-       2 cups distilled water

-       1 glass jar

-       1 pot

-       1 tsp vodka (optional)


Rinse the rose petals.

Place them into your pot and pour water over them, so that they are covered. Simmer on very low heat and bring to room temperature.

The vodka can be omitted but it will preserve the rosewater.

Place a strainer over your glass jar and pour the water in. You can discard the rose petals now.

This rose water should be stored in the fridge and be used within one week.

If you have used the vodka in the mixture, it will last a few more weeks.

Rose Water III

Generally, I do not use vodka in my homemade rose water, but it is up to you to choose whatever you prefer. But if you add vodka, you can’t use this spray for your eyes!

If you are still too lazy or too busy, your favorite Ayurveda shop will for sure offer premade rose water, as well as Turkish or international food stores, but most likely not organic.

The rose water can also be used for beauty and wellness purposes.

It contains numerous antioxidants that protect the cells in the skin against damage. Furthermore, rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce skin irritations and redness.

Rose water is a natural toner that is anti-aging and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

I love applying my rose water as a face mist which feels really good during summer heat because roses are cooling, or on my hair.

It can serve as an aura cleansing mist as well, especially when you spray it over your head. Because of doing this, it has also helped my hair become more soft.

I also like to spray it into my eyes to help cool down fiery Pitta – make sure you use petals only and no alcohol nor essential oils in your rose water! Otherwise, it will burn in your eyes.

Sight is governed by Pitta dosha and this spray can help balance it.

The scent of roses helps gain clarity and brings calmness.

I have mentioned sacred rose water in some of my previous recipes, which you can look up here, here and here.

If you incorporate rose water already into your life, how do you incorporate it?

Leave a comment down below for your suggestions.

I love to share your experience on social media, please make sure to tag me @soulfoodbakery.


Much love,


Rose Water IV