Tamarind Lemonade

Many of you have asked me about the recipe of this Vitamin C bomb that is also a lung tonic – yes you read that correctly. During these times, most likely one of the best drinks you can make is tamarind lemonade.

It’s a very easy to make this lemonade and slightly similar to the taste of “coca cola”. Even if you don’t like the unhealthy beverage, you should try this recipe, as the flavor is not entirely the same. But it will give you loads of energy. Everyone who has tried this beverage so far has absolutely loved it. It is a great aperitif, as it is quite sour.


Why I love using limes (the green citrus fruit):

From an Ayurvedic perspective, limes pacify all three doshas, while yellow lemons may overstimulate aggravated Pitta and Kapha dosha. Limes are also anti-inflammatory.

This drink is the perfect aperitive, because as lemons contain Vitamin C and are sour, they encourage secretions in our digestive tract and will therefore improve taste, digestion and elimination (it is a mild laxative). The limes detoxify the blood and reduce liver and gall bladder congestion.

Because limes create a fluid build-up in the lungs, it helps flush out Kapha mucous. Perfect to use, during these spring Kapha times.

Limes are also alkaline and reduce acidity in the stomach.

 This makes about 1l of this lemonade and takes about 5 minutes to make (or much longer, if you have to peel the tamarind).


-       2 hands full of tamarind paste (make it at home and read below), equals 10-20 tamarind fruits

-       50 g jaggery, raw cane sugar (you can also use organic honey or maple syrup)

-       1 lime, juiced

-       1 l mineral water



You will need around 10-20 whole dried tamarind fruits, depending on how strong you would like the lemonade to taste. Peel the tamarind pulps and take out the seeds. Put its flesh in a blender to create a paste. You will need to add the juice of a lime and a bit of water to dilute the mixture properly. Add your sweetener of choice – although I recommend raw cane sugar for its properties.

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Jaggery, gur, piloncillo (in Mexico), also known as raw cane sugar pacifies the Vata dosha and prevents constipation, detoxes the liver and may to some extent treat flu-like symptoms as it creates heat in the body.

Further, it is a blood purifier and boosts immunity, because it is full of anti-oxidants and minerals such as selenium and zinc – two minerals everyone is asking for at the moment!

Jaggery cleanses the body, especially the respiratory tract, lungs, intestines, food pipes and stomach and prevents respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis. Double win, as hay fever season starts!

It may also ease menstrual pain because of its essential nutrients.

Jaggery is rich in iron and may also support in preventing anemia. Due to raw cane sugar's high magnesium content, it boosts intestinal health. High percentages of potassium and sodium control the blood sugar. Jaggery further prevents fatigue, while giving long lasting energy.

Please feel free to add more sugar, tamarind, or lime juice, depending on your personal taste. You will need to strain the paste through a fine cloth or sieve.

Be aware that eating too much of the sour fruit might upset your tummy, perhaps you want to reconsider snacking on it. Instead, you could create a delicious tamarind chutney of the tamarind paste that is left in the sieve or cloth. Put the paste into a clean glass container and store for a few days in the fridge.


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To serve, I recommend pouring a few centimeters of the paste into a glass and filling the rest with mineral water. The lemonade will taste really amazing with sparkling mineral water, although in Ayurveda, we recommend natural mineral water. It’s your personal choice what feels right for you.

Generally, tamarind fruit is very sour (lots of Vitamin C) and slightly sweet. It is a laxative, this means, overeating will lead to soft stools.

This aperitive is perfect for people with a Vata constitution, too much of it might aggravate Pitta and Kapha dosha.

If you have digestive issues, please try small sips first and see how you feel. Or talk to your Ayurvedic counselor, as the sourness of this beverage might upset your digestive tract.

Enjoy, let me know what you think of it and tag me in your re-creations on social media (@soulfoodbakery).

Much love & light during these times,
